4.7 rating on Google
5.0 rating on Bol
4.2 rating on Trustpilot

Gametimer puts a positive spin on screen time.

An educational concept in which children can organize their agreed screen time within the set limits.

Shop GameTimer €89.00

Effortlessly manage screen time with Gametimer

Avoid discussions and hassle: Gametimer helps parents manage screen time by giving children the freedom to plan their daily usage within agreed limits. This promotes a healthy balance and helps prevent myopia. Over 30% of young people under 15 are already myopic due to excessive screen use, and this percentage continues to rise rapidly

User-friendly for both young and old

Gametimer is designed for easy use by children of all ages. The device is robust, sturdy, and available in four colors. Since children often have multiple devices like phones, iPads, and game consoles, the Gametimer is compatible with all screens. Additionally, the Gametimer is very simple to operate because it has no control buttons.

  • Screen time statistics for the past 7 days
  • Resolves discussions between parents and children
  • Ensures adherence to screen time agreements
  • Teaches children to manage their screen time
Shop GameTimer €89.00

Manage screen time easily with Gametimer

Avoid discussions and hassle: Gametimer helps parents manage screen time by giving children the freedom to plan their daily usage within agreed limits. This promotes a healthy balance and helps prevent myopia. Over 30% of young people under 18 are already myopic due to excessive screen use, and this percentage continues to rise rapidly

Twee gamende jongens met een Gametimer

Simple to use and designed for children

Gametimer is designed for easy use by children of all ages. The device is robust, sturdy, and available in four colors. Since children often have multiple devices like phones, iPads, and game consoles, the Gametimer is compatible with all screens. Additionally, the Gametimer is very simple to operate because it has no control buttons.

  • Screen time statistics for the past 7 days
  • Resolves discussions between parents and children
  • Ensures adherence to screen time agreements
  • Teaches children to manage their screen time
Shop GameTimer €89,00

How does it work?


Place the Gametimer with the GREEN side facing up to activate it. The lights will turn off from top to bottom. When the last light goes out, the time is used up, and a signal sounds that will only stop when the RED side is turned up.


Turn the Gametimer HORIZONTALLY to pause the timer briefly. In pause mode, the Gametimer will first beep every minute, and then every 15 seconds if the pause lasts longer. This way, everyone will know that pause mode is active and that no time is being used.


Once the last light goes out, the time is used up, and a sound will be heard that will only stop when the RED side is turned upwards. The Gametimer can be used again after the set mandatory break has elapsed and if there is still remaining playing time.

More myopia caused by screen time

Prolonged screen use is increasingly associated with poorer vision in children. What do experts say about this?

Eye organizations sound alarm: increasing number of children nearsighted by screens

Parents do too little to prevent eye problems in their children. This is what Dutch organizations dedicated to eye health warn in the first National Eye Week.

Worldwide one in three children nearsighted, large differences between countries

More and more children worldwide are nearsighted, according to a study of data from more than five million children from different countries. In the Netherlands, one in five children is nearsighted.

Zombies behind the screen: Impact screen time on young children

Children are looking at screens younger and younger and longer. In ten years, the screen time of children aged 0 to 10 has doubled. Children aged 0 to 6 spend an average of 99 minutes behind a screen every day.

The children each have a Gametimer. I have set their screen time per day for both children. This way, it is clear to the children how much time they have left, and I can see on the app how much time they have already used. It works well, provides structure, and prevents unnecessary arguments.

Esther van Pelt

The game timer works perfectly for us! No more setting kitchen timers or timers, everything is in the game timer and the accompanying app. It is a fun device and the children quickly learned to live with it.


Since we are a gaming family. The kids also spend a lot of time on a screen. This game timer helped us a lot. Because they can decide for themselves whether to turn it on and pause it, our eldest 5 year old is very aware of how much time she has left. It will be a game point of view to say with a victory every time. I'm ready!!

Diva sisters Vink

Nice device to teach children to game in moderation! Those lengthy discussions have disappeared like snow in the sun. TOP!

Edwin van Noort

Finally no more endless discussions about how long you can play games on your PlayStation. After the setup everything was arranged and you could arrange your own times.


Finally no more discussions. My son automatically takes the timer with him. He finds it an extra challenge now, hopefully it will remain that way. It takes some time to figure out how to use the Gametimer properly, but it is actually “child's play”. The only downside is that it takes a very long time to charge, but then you can enjoy it for a month.

S. Smeets

The children each have a Gametimer. For both children, I set their screen time per day. This way it is clear to the children how much time they have left and for me it can be seen on the app how much time they have already used up. It works well, provides structure and prevents unnecessary discussions.

Esther van Pelt

The game timer is well accepted and we have made good agreements. It took some getting used to, but the educational part of gametimer quickly became apparent.


Since using Gametimer we have managed to create a lot more peace in our home. We are no longer bothered by unnecessary discussions in particular. In the beginning it took some time to understand how the product could actually be used properly, but once you understand this and understand the concept, I have noticed that it is a nice solution for screen use.

Iris Straver

Not just any timer... This is Gametimer.

Thanks to Gametimer, screen time discussions are a thing of the past. You set clear agreements together, and your child takes the lead. The result? No more arguments, responsible children, and increased awareness of screen time. Create a harmonious home environment with Gametimer..



Voor alle leeftijden
Verplichte pauzes
Inzicht in schermtijd
Robuust design
Voor alle schermen

Not just a timer... This is Gametimer.

Thanks to Gametimer, screen time discussions are a thing of the past. Together, you set clear agreements, and your child takes the lead. The result? No discussions, responsible children, and greater screen time awareness. Choose harmony at home with Gametimer.
For all ages
Mandatory breaks
Insight into screen time
Robust design
For all screens
Weekly schedule
Kitchen Timer
Screen Time App

Not just a timer...
This is Gametimer.

Thanks to Gametimer, screen time discussions are a thing of the past. Together, you set clear agreements, and your child takes the lead. The result? No discussions, responsible children, and greater screen time awareness. Choose harmony at home with Gametimer.

Why should you monitor screen time?

It helps prevent health issues like myopia, promotes a healthy lifestyle, and ensures a balance between digital and offline activities.

Unnecessary discussions

Prevent daily conflicts with clear screen time agreements. Gametimer is the ultimate solution.

Protect your eyes

Prevent myopia by following the 20-20-20 rule, which you can easily set with Gametimer.

Social isolation

There’s so much more to explore in the world than spending all day behind a screen.

Gametimer is available in four colors.

Shop GameTimer €89.00

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Gametimer

Is your question not listed here? Feel free to contact us atinfo@gametimer.com.

(Available from Monday to Friday from 12:00 to 17:00)Tel: +31 6 213 715 93
Shop GameTimer €89.00


Easy and helpful

With the Game Timer we have been able to make agreements about screen time tangible in our family.

Robert , May 4

Handy instrument

The children each have their own Gametimer. For both children, I set their screen time per day.

Mark , April 8

Better agreements

Gametimer has ensured that we have better agreements regarding screen time.

AnonymousT , April 2

Provides peace and clarity

We were looking for a solution to limit screen use among our children.

Ivo , March 20